Theatre and Dance

First-year students may select from the courses found below. Students who have a particular interest in theatre are encouraged to enroll in THEA 101 Basic Acting, and in THEA 110 Theatre Practicum, as a co-requisite. 


THEA 101
Acting I
Common Area: Arts

This course offers, through classroom exercises, improvisations and performance of scenes from plays, an approach to understanding, appreciating, and practicing the art of acting and theatre.

THEA 110
Theatre Practicum

Weekly lab work introduces students to tools and techniques in costumes, scenery, properties, and lighting. Student participation in Department of Theatre and Dance major productions gives them the opportunity to put those skills into practice. This course is taken pass/no pass as an overload and is required with enrollment in Basic Acting or Design and Technical Production. The course cannot be taken independently of a theatre class. 

THEA 125
American Drama 1920 to Present 
Common Area: Arts or Literature 

American plays from the early work of Eugene O'Neill through that of contemporary dramatists are explored as theatre (through film and video) and as dramatic literature. This course looks at drama in historical and thematic contexts and as the expression of major American playwrights. 


THEA 127
Design & Tech Production 
Common Area: Arts

Examines the arts and crafts required to mount a live theatrical production during the planning, preparation, and performance phases. Also explores the function and responsibilities of the design team. Class projects and enrollment in Theatre Practicum provide practical experience in many areas.

THEA 131
Balinese Dance 1–2
Common Area: Arts or Cross-Cultural Studies

Balinese Dance is a dance performance class which surveys the rich classical, contemporary, and folk traditions of music, mask, dance, and theatre from Bali, Indonesia. Hinduism plays a significant role in the performing arts of Bali and will be discussed in relationship to performance. Students rehearse and perform with Gamelan Gita Sari, the Holy Cross gamelan orchestra. This course can be taken for two semesters.


THEA 136
Horror Films, Sex & Gender
Common Area: Arts

This course is designed to examine the horror film using Queer, Gender, and Feminist theory. The course will explore seminal works from the genre and examine the horror film's evolution using these critical lenses.  The goal is for students to develop a foundational understanding of the conventions of the genre and its relationship to evolving notions of identity.

THEA 160
American Film
Common Area: Arts

This introductory course teaches the student how to read a movie. Films are presented by genre and conventional examples of each genre are paired with movies that play with, undercut, or expand the conventions. The syllabus includes American movies from 1930 to the present.

THEA 171
Hip-Hop / Breaking 1-2
Common Area:  Arts

An introductory breaking technique course for beginners who have no prior dance experience.  Students learn foundational exercises, improvisation and movement combinations.  The course will emphasize the cultural and historical roots of the form along with key artists who have contributed to its evolution.


THEA 191
Afro-Haitian Dance
Common Area:  Arts

Class will consist of an introduction of movements from the African Diaspora while focusing on traditional Haitian Folkloric dances and rhythms such as Nago, Mayi, Ibo, Banda, Yanvalou and Kongo. Students will gain knowledge on how each movement has their own distinctive character. How history plays a major role and how Modern Dance connects to the traditional dance form. Videos and discussion will help to understand the rich culture and observe how one can express through technique and pure embodied practice.

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