Library Collection Development Policy

Holy Cross Libraries Mission Statement

The College of the Holy Cross Libraries further the mission of the College, a Jesuit liberal arts institution, in its pursuit of excellence in teaching, learning, and research. The Libraries support the curriculum, promote intellectual curiosity, and serve our community by providing resources, access to information, and instruction in the development of research skills. As a central part of student life, the libraries create a welcoming and accessible integrated learning environment where diversity is embraced and respected.

I. Introduction

The Holy Cross Libraries (the Library) steward a vast collection of both print and electronic materials to support the curriculum and the research of our academic community. The current collection includes resources that support the academic curriculum and research needs of a leading liberal arts college in the United States. The Library also collects materials from other academic areas such as interdisciplinary and emerging scholarly fields. The Library supports diverse voices and authors in its collection development strategies.

The Library commits to creating and maintaining a well-balanced and fiscally responsible academic collection. As part of a liberal arts undergraduate college, the Library does not collect comprehensively in any academic area, but it does honor the particular strengths of Holy Cross' academic history and scholarship. Librarians aim to increase the breadth of the collection in response to new research interests and curricular initiatives at Holy Cross as well as changes in the intellectual and scholarly environment as a whole.

Librarians welcome the collaboration of our community, and this policy guides all parties on the specific considerations we have identified as core pieces of building and maintaining a strong academic collection in all relevant formats to support the teaching, learning and research of the Holy Cross community.

II. Librarian Liaison Responsibilities

Librarians apply knowledge of the curriculum, collection management best practices, recommendations from our community, and cost and use data to determine which resources to purchase and withdraw, which to own and which to borrow, and in addition, policies governing preservation priorities and special considerations for select items.

Each academic department or concentration at Holy Cross is assigned a liaison librarian.

A current list of liaisons may be found on the . Most librarians liaise with multiple departments and/or concentrations.

Librarian liaisons act as the main points of contact for their departments. The library liaison program aims to assist faculty in utilizing library resources and services to the fullest, to ensure that the Library acts in response to the faculty's needs, when possible, and to provide a clear channel of communication between librarians and faculty. Librarian liaison duties include the following:

  • Facilitating library collaboration and communication with faculty, through regular newsletters and other means, as appropriate
  • Identifying titles in their subject areas which reflect the curricular and research needs of the Holy Cross community, and selecting said titles for purchase
  • Keeping apprised of faculty needs for teaching and research in their departments/concentrations, sharing these needs with other library staff, and facilitating faculty requests for purchase
  • Communicating with faculty about ongoing acquisitions, trials, and other issues
  • Serving as a contact point for faculty needs, questions, and concerns, and connecting faculty with the appropriate library staff member(s)
  • Working with new faculty in their departments to orient them to the libraries' resources, assist with collection building, etc.
  • Promoting new and existing library resources and services, particularly those which pertain to their designated liaison areas.

Each academic department will also have a designated faculty liaison to the Library. Like their librarian counterparts, faculty liaisons facilitate communication between the department and the Library. They communicate regularly with the liaison librarian for their department; share on-going issues or concerns; facilitate librarian attendance at department meetings, as necessary or appropriate; and serve as the primary contact should the liaison librarian need to approach the department about collection development or other issues. Faculty liaisons are designated at the discretion of individual departments.

While liaisons rely in some respect on faculty expertise and recommendation, the primary responsibility for resource development, and thus, for allocating funds for collection development, lies with the liaison librarians and other library staff. In particular, liaison librarians are responsible for maintaining a balanced collection by coordinating development and will work on a continuing basis to supplement selections made by faculty.

Independent of the library liaison program, all members of the Holy Cross community are welcome to submit suggestions for purchase via the Library web site at:  /holy-cross-libraries/request-purchase-library-materials

III. Budget Considerations

Funding for the acquisition of content is allocated to the Library by the College and it is the Library's responsibility to expend the funds in a cost-efficient and equitable manner. Requests should be forwarded to the library liaison and if cost is a concern, the faculty will be consulted. Faculty liaisons are not responsible for tracking spending. Funds are not allocated by department, but are monitored to ensure all disciplines are supported.

Purchase decisions, especially large expenditures, are made in collaboration with the faculty and the library liaisons. Factors that are considered when requests are made include: one-time payments vs. subscription payments that typically increase by 3%-8% each year, price inflation, pricing structures, and the ability to negotiate price and terms with the vendor. Large one-time purchases are acquired at the end of the fiscal year after all other needs are met. The Director of Library Services approves all major purchases.

IV. Cooperative Agreements and Interlibrary Loan

While the Library focuses on a strong foundational collection, resources not held in print or online can be obtained through cooperative agreements with other institutions, interlibrary loan, and document delivery.

Holy Cross is a member of the Academic and Research Collaborative (ARC), a coalition of Worcester area academic, public, and special research libraries. ARC's mission is to work together to facilitate the sharing of resources and services for the benefit of their collective users. A list of the membership, the subject specialties of each, and the borrowing agreements can be found at this website:

Further, Holy Cross has special agreements with two area libraries. In 2000, Holy Cross entered into a contractual arrangement to manage the Worcester Art Museum Library. The Museum Library uses the library system and enters their holdings in the catalog. And in 2018, Holy Cross and Clark University entered into an agreement to share holdings on our respective discovery platforms with an additional agreement to provide 48-hour interlibrary loan delivery.

The Library participates in the OCLC interlibrary loan system with access to the holdings of thousands of libraries worldwide. Arrangements with specific publishers, such as Elsevier, allow the Library to deliver individual documents with a quick turn-around time.

V. Holy Cross Libraries Collection Guidelines

This section discusses guidelines for the overall collection. Guidelines that vary from these are discussed in the section for Library Branches and Special Collections.

A. Types of Materials Collected

  • Monographs on topics pertinent to the curriculum and/or research interests of the College community, including (but not limited to) festschriften, anthologies, edited collections, bibliographies and literary works. Monographs published in English are preferred, with the exception of editions of literary works originally published in other languages or works supporting the Modern Language and Spanish Departments;
  • Reference materials in print, on a limited basis as requested and/or appropriate for curricular support, including (but not limited to) dictionaries, encyclopedias, guides to the literature, handbooks and companions, style guides, and others. Reference works in electronic format are preferred when available and when cost-effective;
  • Open access ebooks and ejournals relevant to the curriculum and research needs of the College community;
  • Supplementary collections appropriate for specialized subject-area research such as sourcebooks, critical editions, facsimiles, datasets, etc.

B. Types of Materials Not Collected (unless required for specific curricular needs)

  • Microforms;
  • VHS tapes;
  • Periodical indexes in print;
  • Individual issues of periodicals;
  • Duplicate copies of items;
  • Reference works in foreign languages, with the exception of language dictionaries, certain seminal works or materials requested for particular curricular or research needs;
  • Dissertations and theses;
  • Government documents;
  • Pamphlets and other ephemera;
  • Workbooks and other consumables.

C. Formats

i. Books and Ebooks

The library strives for balance between print and ebooks and purchases both formats in order to support the wide-ranging curricular and research needs of the Holy Cross community. In order to optimize the breadth of our collections, the Library prefers to own a book in one format. Under special circumstances both print and electronic copies will be acquired.

Currently, thousands of ebooks may be accessed through the Library's online catalog. Some of the titles are part of a large academic book subscription package, while others titles are purchased. Ebooks are also available through a demand-driven acquisitions (DDA) program where a certain number of uses of a title triggers a purchase. Ebooks that are not currently available in the catalog may be purchased upon request if the publisher offers an electronic version. It is important for the person requesting the ebook to let the library know how the book will be used so that the most appropriate license may be obtained. Commonly available licenses are single-user, three-user, and unlimited simultaneous users. Of course, the cost of the license rises depending on how many simultaneous users are allowed. Because some ebook licenses are so restrictive, the library prefers to collect titles from publishers or vendors who exclude "Digital Rights Management" (DRM). These DRM-free ebooks allow viewing across multiple devices as well as unlimited printing.

Print books are an integral part of our collection. If one is requested, a single print copy will be purchased unless usage indicates that more are necessary. Indeed, core works in all disciplines should be available in print in order to assure long-term preservation. The library strives to balance the need for access against the need for preservation.

ii. Databases and Full-text Digital Content

Online databases cover many different types of resources. Some common types are:

  • Full text of journals and/or books
  • Full image of archival resources
  • Streaming media (e.g. Medici)
  • Images (e.g. Artstor)
  • Data or datasets (e.g. ProQuest Statistical Insight)

In many cases, databases cover multiple types of content in the same resource. In addition, some databases provide in depth subject indexing and abstracting (e.g. PsycINFO) where others only provide basic fields for searching (e.g. article title, author, and journal or full text).

Databases are acquired based on recommendations from and evaluations by librarians and faculty. They are typically offered either as a one-time purchase of archival content (e.g. Early English Books Online) or as an annual subscription with content often added and updated on an ongoing basis (e.g. Scopus). As many valuable and sometimes similar products may be published in one year, products are often evaluated together allowing content to be compared and prioritized.


  • Importance of content and indexing/searching of content to a specific discipline or disciplines;
  • Databases which provide unique content and which do not duplicate content in other databases or resources;
  • Databases which meet the research needs of multiple departments or disciplines;
  • Databases that are available to the entire campus via IP authenticated access, rather than username and password access;
  • Databases that have unlimited simultaneous users. Cost prohibitive resources may require that the Library subscribes to a single user or limited simultaneous users license.

iii. Journals and Ejournals

Journals require a continuing commitment of funding, staff processing time and, for print materials, shelf space. Requests for new journal titles are evaluated on a case-by-case basis in the context of curricular needs (new or established), faculty research and financial commitment. Subject to cost considerations, the Library prefers to subscribe to journals only in one format, print or electronic, preferring the electronic format except when color, graphics, and images are superior in print, or when the print artifact itself is of value. In addition, the Library provides access to a larger range of journal titles through document delivery where the Library pays only for the individual articles used by a patron without subscribing to the journal. Alternatively, individual articles may be requested via interlibrary loan.

iv. Microforms

Microform titles were historically collected to save space and preserve certain titles. Microforms require special equipment and are difficult to use. Therefore, the Library is currently in the process of migrating these titles to the electronic format as they become available. The electronic versions are indexed in the discovery system and provide simultaneous multi-user access. Microform titles will only be purchased if there is no alternative.

v. Newspapers

The library subscribes to several major national and foreign newspapers. Print newspapers are received via US mail, and thereby delayed, because distributors are unable to deliver directly to the Library. Online newspaper subscriptions are accessed via database vendors such as ProQuest and LexisNexis.

vi. Textbooks

With trends in higher education addressing the need to relieve costs for students, campus-wide committees have considered ways to offer open educational resources and reserved access to particularly expensive and common textbooks. Therefore, the Library abides by the following campus policy:

  • It is expected that Holy Cross students will have textbooks and other required class materials in order to achieve academic success. As part of this initiative, faculty are encouraged to place large and commonly used textbooks on reserve in the Library. If there are crucial course books ideal for reserve use, or if there is a solid argument for the addition of an expensive and commonly used textbook, the Library will consider purchases for the Library collection. The Library can also place a faculty member's own copy on reserve.
  • Faculty can check CrossSearch to search for an electronic version of the book, and library staff will assist in posting the accurate links to the course management system.
  • The Library encourages faculty to collaborate on reasonable solutions for textbook use.

vii. Videos

Media is used both in and out of the classroom to support the curriculum. While old formats are often replaced by new, the two currently used most by the Library are DVDs and streaming videos. Streaming video, though generally more expensive to license than a DVD, is preferred because it is easier to access remotely by simultaneous users and cannot be damaged. However, some streaming films needed for courses may not be available to license from the vendors. In these cases, a DVD copy will be acquired if one is available for purchase. In addition to cost, whether a film is "required" or "recommended" viewing, is a factor considered when deciding which format to license. This is especially true when several supplementary films are requested. The Library requires a notice of 5 business days to ensure there is enough time to extensively research requested titles, confer with the requestor, determine the most appropriate format to acquire, and contact the licensing vendor. More time may be needed before films are available to view if there are technical issues to address or lengthy shipping times involved. The Library will adhere to best practices for Fair Use when acquiring video content to be shown in settings other than in the physical classroom. For more information see the . Consult with a librarian if guidance is needed.

VI. Preservation

The Library has a commitment to the preservation of its collections. Damaged books from the circulating collection are repaired if possible; if not, they may be replaced unless available electronically. Back issues of journals are bound when we do not own the content online or if the print version is valued as an artifact in itself, particularly image laden titles. However, journals preserved in JSTOR (an established and trusted archive) may be removed from the stacks as they are permanently archived.

Archival material and rare books are maintained in a storage area suited to long-term preservation, under temperature and light control. All of these materials are handled according to procedures determined by the Head of Archives and Special Collections. The Archives has a modest budget for conservation work; for example, some of the early and important records are treated for deacidification, mending, binding, and repair. Professional conservators perform this work, using the most advanced techniques for the restoration of the materials. Several rare books have been professionally preserved with support from an alumni donor.

The Library is in the beginning stages of investigating the resources necessary to manage, preserve, and increase visibility of these valuable assets. A few print collections from Archives and Special Collections have been digitized and published in our institutional repository, CrossWorks. Audio and video collections, whose content is unique to the college, and whose format may become unavailable, may need to be migrated to a newer digitized format. It is increasingly important to recognize that born digital scholarly and archival works need to be preserved by the institution to provide ongoing access to Holy Cross' unique materials.

VII. Collection Management

In consultation with faculty, librarians withdraw materials (print and electronic) from the collection in order to keep it aligned with the curricular and research needs of the College while at the same time creating room and funding for new acquisitions. Librarians withdraw individual titles as new works, new editions, or lost, missing, or worn volumes come to their attention. Print reference works and journals that are available in stable electronic versions, such as JSTOR, are also candidates for withdrawal. Regular review of the collection allows librarians to identify areas that need attention.

VIII. Library Branches and Special Collections

A. Archives and Special Collections

As the institutional memory of Holy Cross, the Archives collects, preserves, arranges and describes records of permanent value from its founding in 1843 to the present. This collection includes administrative records of the Trustees, the offices of the college president, the provost, vice presidents, deans and other college officials, as well as records of the college staff, faculty, student organizations, athletics and alumni. The Archives collects all college publications including yearbooks; the college catalog; newsletters; pamphlets; the student newspaper, The Spire, and its predecessors The Crusader and The Tomahawk. The Archives maintains an extensive photograph collection that documents administrators; staff; faculty; students; alumni; athletic teams; student activities; college events; the built environment and college life in general. There is also an extensive collection of audio visual material documenting theatrical plays; lectures; athletic competitions and other events.

The Special Collections consists of the Jesuitana Collection (material by and about Jesuits), manuscripts and personal papers; newspapers; scrap books; pamphlets; graphics material; prints; paintings; ephemera and realia. Noted collections include: the papers of James Michael Curley; David I. Walsh; Louise Imogen Guiney, and Rev. Joseph J. Williams, S.J. There are also collections of material by and about individual Jesuits; college alumni and friends of the college. Research material about Catholic New England; the education of deaf Catholics; the Holocaust, as well as New England history is also collected.

The Rare Book Collection includes books published prior to 1860; artists' sketchbooks; Jesuitana books; autographed volumes; faculty and alumni authors; monetarily valuable books and works with limited availability.

Fully authored works by faculty and alumni authors are also collected. A work completely edited by one Holy Cross author is added to the collection. However, works by several editors or revised editions with minor changes are not.

The Archives and Special Collections supports research by college staff, faculty, students, and other scholars whose works rely on primary source material. These resources are actively used for teaching and learning via class visits and exhibitions.

The Archives and Special Collections do not maintain college transcripts or other individual student records or College personnel files. Duplicate copies of rare books or multiple copies of college publications are not retained.

B. Dinand Library: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Visual and Fine Arts

Dinand Library is the Libraries' main branch, with collections primarily serving the needs of students and faculty and in the humanities, xxxÖ±²¥ sciences, and visual and fine arts. The Library strives to provide access to materials in a variety of formats to create a collection capable of performing cutting-edge research and supporting faculty scholarship by acquiring and making available materials in both print and electronic mediums.

The objectives of Dinand's collection are to support research at a level appropriate to an undergraduate, liberal arts college, and to provide curricular support, including materials for use in classroom instruction as well as those materials supporting students' research for class assignments or independent work.

Major areas of study supported by Dinand's collections include: Religious Studies, with a focus on Catholic and Jesuit Studies; Philosophy; History; Anthropology and Sociology; Economics and Accounting; Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies; International Studies and Political Science; Legal Studies; Education; Visual and Fine Arts, including Art History; English Language & Literature; Modern Languages & Literatures; Classics; Naval Science, and general bibliography and library science.

  1. The Francis and Jacob Hiatt Holocaust Collection ( ), originating from the dedication of the Library's Hiatt Wings in 1979, focuses on the role of Catholics and especially Jesuits in events surrounding the Holocaust. Materials in the Hiatt Collection are located throughout Dinand Library as well as in the Archives & Special Collections.
  2. The Dr. Mark D. Nevins '86 Collection for the Study of Comics and Graphic Novels ( ) was initiated in 2018 with the donation of 1000+ titles by Dr. Mark D. Nevins '86, and will continue as a curated collection to support future curricular and extracurricular initiatives engaging with visual literacy and the study of graphic novels. While most titles are in English, many of these represent important translations that offer cultural perspectives, and numerous others remain in their original languages. The Nevins Collection is located on the main floor of Dinand Library in the Visual Arts Wing.

C. Music Library

The Fenwick Music Library at College of the Holy Cross is a branch library located in Fenwick Hall which serves the research needs of the Music Department's students and faculty. The Library provides access to musical materials in a variety of formats and languages to create a collection capable of supporting faculty and student scholarship by acquiring and making available musical materials in both print and electronic mediums.

The objectives of the Music Library's collection are curricular support, including materials for use in classroom instruction and study purposes for the Music Department and all musical needs on campus. Secondarily, score purchases support the chamber music program, students' applied instrumental and vocal lessons, and performances for the Holy Cross Artists-In-Residence. Thirdly, the collection supports faculty research, as funds allow.

Types of materials collected selectively:

  • Music in complete works editions, musical monuments, historical sets, and anthologies;
  • Scores in all formats;
  • Sound recordings, primarily on compact discs;
  • Facsimiles of musical works.

Types of materials not collected (unless required for specific curricular needs):

  • Didactic material (e.g. Schulen, method books, etc.);
  • Sets of ensemble parts for 10 performers or more;
  • Vocal and octavo scores of choral works in excess of 5 copies;
  • Sheet music;
  • LPs.

American Guild of Organists Worcester Chapter Collection

The American Guild of Organists, Worcester Chapter, Memorial Library Collection is a collection of primarily sacred music accumulated from churches in Worcester. Organ and choral scores had accumulated from donations to the local chapter over the years, and throughout the 1997-8 guild year, negotiations were held to permanently house the WorcAGO collection in the Fenwick Music Library. Although the primary focus is organ music, other holdings include choral scores, octavos, hymnals, books and reference materials, and periodicals. Acquisitions are at the discretion of the American Guild of Organists Worcester Chapter's Dean. The collection contains a total of 1,600 cataloged items and approximately 1,000 uncataloged items.

D. Rehm Library: Religious Studies

The Rehm Library, located in Smith Hall, primarily serves and is administered by the McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics & Culture as a public space for events, lectures, and study. Major areas of study supported by the Rehm Library include Religious Studies and, to some extent, Philosophy and Classics.

The Rehm Library collection includes primary texts representing a variety of religious traditions. This collection is curated by the Director of the McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics, and Culture. The Speakers & Fellows Collection is comprised of monographs authored by presenters in the CREC Lecture Series. The collection does not circulate.

E. Science Library

The O'Callahan Science Library is a branch library, located in Swords Hall in the Integrated Science Complex, serves the Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Computer Science, and Physics Departments and the more neuroscientific side of Psychology, as well as the Environmental Studies Program.

The objectives of the Science Library's collection are to support research at a level appropriate to an undergraduate liberal arts college, and to provide curricular support, including materials for use in classroom instruction as well as those materials supporting students' research for class assignments or independent work.

The Science Library actively pursues the acquisition of costly textbooks to place on physical reserve. Both the Library and individual departments purchase these textbooks, and every effort is made to ease the high cost of textbooks in particular classes. Further, the Science Library actively purchases science-related titles in general interest and popular reading genres.

F. Worcester Art Museum

As part of a long-standing agreement between two committed institutions, the Worcester Art Museum Library serves as the Fine Arts branch of the College of the Holy Cross Libraries. The print monographs at the Museum Library are considered a distinct collection from the College, and acquisitions between the two campuses are typically non-duplicative. Museum Library acquisitions are funded by the Museum, and are selected to support the research of the Museum's paintings, sculpture, and other artifacts. The Library is located on the second (main) floor of the Museum and houses frequently used monographs and art publications. Faculty and students from College of the Holy Cross are permitted to check out print books from WAM, though books do not circulate to the general public.

IX. Gifts and Donations

The Library gratefully accepts material and financial contributions to support its programs. Prior to sending items to the Library please contact Senior Content Strategist, Mary Moran ( or 508-793-2478). In order to ensure titles support the curricular and research needs of the College and to prevent duplication, a list of titles that you are offering is required, After the list is received, the titles will be researched and you will be contacted with a list of needed items.

Gifts of rare books, manuscripts, photographs, or artifacts to the Archives and Special Collections are accepted upon the approval of the Head of Archives and Special Collections. These donations require the completion of a Deed of Gift Form. (Appendix A).

The Library is not able to appraise gift items, and any appraisal information used by the donor for tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor. Gifts become the property of the Library, which reserve the right to dispose of materials not chosen for inclusion in the collections. Donations, or a request for more detailed information on planned giving, may be sent to the Director of Library Services, Mark Shelton ( or 508-793-3372.

X. New Curricular Areas

For programming or Majors/Minors new to the College, the Library is committed to supporting that curriculum with a foundational collection of print and electronic materials. We encourage Faculty responsible for the curriculum to coordinate budgeting and collection goals with the appropriate liaison to the department. This should include an overview of materials also currently available to the HC community through consortial and other borrowing agreements.

XI. Ethical and Legal Issues

A. Intellectual Freedom

The Libraries adhere to the ALA's Bill of Rights, 1996. Sections I and II state: "Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval." Access to Library materials shall not be restricted because of age, race, religion, national origins, or xxxÖ±²¥ or political views.

B. Copyright

  • College of the Holy Cross' Libraries adhere to (Title 17 of the US Code). of the Copyright Law - the Fair Use Doctrine - provides the guiding principle behind the Libraries' course reserve and instructional media services. deals with reproduction by libraries and archives. of the Copyright Act provides specific protection for some streaming and other uses, but it does not cover the entire variety of potential applications in instruction. Use of copyrighted media in the curriculum requires careful thought and planning to balance the risk of copyright litigation with the pedagogical value of the media content.
  • Guidance from College of the Holy Cross General Counsel governs local practice for digitization, hosting, and streaming of media (primarily video) content for instructional use.
  • Faculty assume copyright compliance responsibilities, including documents copied to the course management system’s course pages. However, librarians are able to offer advice on adherence to copyright law. Even if the Library determines that a particular usage will not be allowed due to a copyright violation, librarians will assist faculty in finding a way to transmit all necessary information to students in a way that complies with copyright law.
  • See for more complete information.

XII. Revision Policy

This policy is a dynamic document, to be updated to reflect available tools, the information market, copyright and best practices as they shift over time.


Reviewed and updated, January 2019:
Karen Reilly (Chair); Alicia Hansen, Mary Moran, Judith Nagata, Jared Rex, and Jennifer Whelan
Reviewed and updated, November 2019


XIII. Appendix A

College of the Holy Cross Libraries
P. O. LIB, Worcester, MA 01610-2395


The College of the Holy Cross Libraries gratefully acknowledges the receipt from:





of the following materials:




I hereby make a gift of these materials to the College of the Holy Cross. By making this gift, I assign and convey to the College of the Holy Cross legal title and any and all copyrights and/or other intellectual property rights that I hold in these materials. The rights assigned include the right to create derivative works or compilations and to record or fix the materials in any tangible medium that currently exists or that may be developed. Title and rights shall pass to the College of the Holy Cross at the time of the transference of materials.

The College of the Holy Cross may use its discretion in the disposition of materials not considered appropriate for retention in its collections unless instructions, if any, are stated below. Disposition instructions, if any:


Access to these materials will be provided in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Holy Cross Libraries unless restrictions, if any, are stated below:




I certify that I have read the terms of this deed and that I have absolute authority to donate this property.

Donor’s Signature:


Print Donor's Name:

For the Holy Cross Libraries:






1st ver: 19 May 2004

last rev: 13 Mar 2006; legal review 13 Mar 2006 T. Mines